Register with Us

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Register Your Business

Get your business also included in the Explore Bahawalpur Project and displayed at the website.

  • If you are also running any of the businesses displayed at the Explore Bahawalpur website, and you are certain, it meets the required quality standards, you are eligible to apply.
  • A processing fee of Rs. 2000/- would have to be deposited in favor of Account No. 12345678/UBL of the Bahawalpur Chamber of Commerce & Industries (BCCI).
  • The application has to be submitted online or in person in the office of BCCI on the form which can be downloaded from Here
  • A site visit would be conducted by the Registration Committee – comprising the representatives of the BCCI, Tourism Department and the Commissioner Office – within 15 days of the submission of the application.
  • If the Registration Committee is satisfied by the standards of the services offered, it would forward the case to the Executive Board accordingly. After the approval of the Executive Board, your business would start getting displayed on the website within 7 days, on depositing the requisite fee.
  • In case the Registration Committee does not approve your case, it would communicate its observations/reservations in writing. Once the observations/reservations so communicated are addressed, you would be eligible to submit an application afresh, and the whole process mentioned above would be repeated.
  • Appeal against the decision of the Registration Committee may be filed before the Executive Board of the Project within 15 days of the decision.
  • The decision of the Executive Board would be final.

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